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Attention freedom Seekers!

"How To Easily Create A Meaningful Million Dollar Business Without Failing And Being Disappointed In Yourself"

The following is a message for every freedom seeker who wants to start their life purpose business to create meaningful millions, but can't find the tools you need to get started.

with results like these:

1.  "I am no longer just surviving - I am thriving!"

2. "My income
has doubled and I am living the life of my dreams."

3. "By the end of the second month I had made $30,000"

It's No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About 
The transformational results in their lives!

Emma Wachs
Intuitive Live Coach

From The Desk of: Sonja Rechnitzer

Re: How To Easily Create A Meaningful Million Dollar Business Without Failing And Being Disappointed In Yourself.

Hi, I'm Sonja Rechnitzer and I am the Founder of Intuition Wisdom Institute and author of Million Dollar Idea who has helped literally millions of people in over 91 countries since 2006 to connect to their inner knowing, discover their life purpose and create the life of their dreams.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about Your Million Dollar Idea!

In fact, here's the biggest problem you face right now.

It's thinking it's too good to be true, and therefore not possible for you.

But that's not the end of the problem. 

It actually gets worse! Why?
Because it's stopping you from moving forward and achieving your goals!

Which means you are forever stuck in the mundane norm, leading an ordinary instead of an extraordinary life.

And, worst of all, most freedom seekers can't get past the idea that starting a new business is risky.

But luckily for you there's now a solution to your problem!!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

There I was, a stressed-out executive trying to climb the corporate ladder trying to work my way to the top.

The thing is, at the time I was lacking the expertise or money to even get started.

The big problem was that my health completely gave way from exhaustion. I was bedridden for 3 months and couldn't even go to work, resulting in a total loss of income. That meant that what I was most afraid of in starting a new business, happened anyway in the so-called secure job I was in, which killed my only source of income, with no back-up plan in place.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

I had time to think about the importance of connecting to my intuition, because that would always steer me in the right direction, it would always have me put my health first and believe in myself!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to create a business step-by-step, trusting the full power of my intuition to precisely guide me, because I saw I could finally move forward toward my dream life with passion and purpose.

My plan was to start shouting it from the rooftops, that there's a more fulfilling and exciting way to live than the daily grind.

So I started going to networking events to tell as many people as I could that it actually IS possible to live your dream life. But we didn’t stop there.

We then took it to bigger audiences, going to Expo's.

After that, we wrote books to reach more people with our success secrets.

Bottom line: In the end we were able to create a training program, so we could teach people the skills they needed to trust their intuition, discover their life purpose, and then systematically create a business to deliver their unique gift to the world.

Building on that success, we decided to take it around the world.

We call it “Your Million Dollar Idea”.

With “ Your Million Dollar Idea” I can now live on a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef and love what I do everyday, where work feels like fun and I get to inspire people to live their best life!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a freedom seeker who really wants to start their life purpose business to create meaningful millions, but can't find the tools you need to get started, here's the solution you've been looking for...

"Discover And Monetize
Your Million Dollar Idea"
  • Discover YOUR Million Dollar Idea...
  • ​Turn your idea into a Million Dollar Business...
  • ​Discover the real secret to manifesting your dream life...
  • ​Effortlessly transform your life from stuck to success...
  • ​Quickly clear the blockages holding you back...
  • ... and much, MUCH more!

And best of all... 

You'll start seeing results with "Discover And Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea" in 6 months and it costs less than a dinner out at a fancy restaurant each week.

So again, if you're a burnt-out professional who wants to escape the rat race and build a meaningful million dollar business, understand this:

  • you can discover your pure potential to make your best life possible right now...
  • ​it's the perfect time to start a new business helping people with everything they're dealing with in these crazy times...
  • ​you can finally STOP worrying about your financial stresses and uncertain future...
act now
before it's too late!
Million Dollar Idea Method

Here's exactly what I've got for you.

Fast-Track into the Meaningful Millionaire Mindset 

This training program is the shortcut to learn how to connect to your inner wisdom and clear the subconscious negative belief systems blocking your success. It will set the foundation to success in any area of life and in discovering and implementing your Million Dollar Idea. You will discover your true potential and finally act on your ideas with confidence and clarity.

  • Lifetime Access to 'Upgrade Your Reality' Online Program
  • ​Million Dollar Idea Manifesting Meditations
  • ​Life Purpose Abundance Masterclass - Encore
  • ​BONUS #1 - Lifetime Access To 'Upgrade Your Reality Fast-Track' Events
  • ​BONUS #2 - Twice Monthly 'Upgrade Your Reality' Group Mentoring
  • ​BONUS #3 - Lifetime Access to the MDI Members-Only Facebook Group

Discover YOUR Million Dollar Idea

This training program is the shortcut to discover your Life Purpose, which is the key to success in starting a new business that fulfills you and brings the abundance you dream about and create your Million Dollar Idea in a simple process supported by advanced tools and have the blueprint to step-by-step bring your idea into fruition.

  • ​Lifetime Access to 'Discover Your Million Dollar Idea' Online Program (Value: $15,000)
  • ​5 Shifts To Success Masterclass Replay (Value: $500)
  • BONUS #4 - Lifetime Access To 'Discover Your Million Dollar Idea' Events (Value: $12,000)
  • ​BONUS #5 - Twice Monthly 'Million Dollar Idea' Group Mentoring (Value: $2,000)
  • BONUS #6 - Amazon Best-Selling Book: The All Knowing Diary (Value: Priceless)

Monetize YOUR Million Dollar Idea

This training program makes it easy to step into helping people by providing insights, support and guidance on their life's journey so you're able to bring your offering to the world in an immediately profitable way and make a REAL difference doing what you love, living the laptop lifestyle and sharing your success with your favorite people.

  • ​Lifetime Access to ‘Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Online Program (Value: $45,000)
  • ​‘The Truth Will Set You Free’ Online Program (Value: $4,500)
  • Top Tips To A Meaningful Life Video Library (Value: Priceless)
  • BONUS 7 - Lifetime Access To ‘Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Events (Value: $12,000)
  • BONUS 8 - Weekly 'Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Group Mentoring (Value: $10,000)
  • ​BONUS 9 - Lifetime License To Practice As An Intuitive Life Coach

ACT NOW And Get An Amazing BONUS...



BONUS #3: Financial Breakthrough Hit List ($500 Value)

Did you know that people with financial blockages all experience the same hesitations when an opportunity for a breakthrough presents itself? So, if you’re worried about investing in The EnlightenMe Machine, fear not. 

This is one of those rare purchases that if used, will pay for itself over and over again. Included as a BONUS is this list of 100 of our worst, most debilitating, sabotaging, and undermining financial beliefs ready for you to clear. The EnlightenMe Machine will make short work out of this list, helping open you to a far greater financial flow. You’re covered!

the Million Dollar idea method is 
a proven, supportive and accelerated way to fast-track your escape from the Rat Race and create your Million Dollar Idea, so you can leave the stress of the 9-5 daily grind behind and manifest a LIFE OF PURPOSE AND FULFILLMENT.

ok... let's recap

Here’s Everything You Get Today


get started now FOR ONLY
per week (35 weeks)
OR Save $1,000 and
Pay In Full $3,000
  • Lifetime Access to 'Upgrade Your Reality'
    Online Program (Value: $22,500)
  • Million Dollar Idea Manifesting Meditations (Value: $500)
  • Life Purpose Abundance
    Masterclass Encore
    (Value; $500)
  • BONUS 1 - Lifetime Access To 'Upgrade Your Reality Fast-Track' Events (Value: $6,000)
  • BONUS 2 - Twice Monthly 'Upgrade Your Reality' Group Mentoring (Value: $2,000)
  • BONUS 3 - Lifetime Access to the MDI Members-Only Facebook Group (Value: Priceless)


get started now FOR ONLY
per week (69 weeks)
OR Save $2,500 and
Pay In Full $7,500
    + PLUS
  • Lifetime Access to
     'Discover Your Million Dollar Idea'
    Online Program
    (Value: $15,000)
  • 5 Shifts To Success
    Masterclass Encore
    (Value: $500)
  • BONUS 4 - Lifetime Access To 'Discover Your Million Dollar Idea' Events (Value: $12,000)
  • BONUS 5 - Twice Monthly 'Million Dollar Idea' Group Mentoring (Value: $2,000)
  • BONUS 6 - Amazon Best-Selling Book:
    The All Knowing Diary
    (Value: Priceless)


get started now FOR ONLY
per week (108 weeks)
OR Save $5,000 and
Pay In Full $15,000
  • Lifetime Access to ‘Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Online Program (Value: $45,000)
  • ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’ Online Program (Value: $4,500)
  • Top Tips To A Meaningful Life Video Library (Value: Priceless)
  • BONUS 7 - Lifetime Access To ‘Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Events (Value: $12,000)
  • BONUS 8 - Weekly 'Monetize Your Million Dollar Idea' Group Mentoring (Value: $10,000)
  • BONUS 9 - Lifetime License To Practice As An Intuitive Life Coach
  • FAST ACTING SPECIAL BONUS: Two x 1:1 'Millionaire Mindset' PRIVATE Sessions with Sonja (Value: $5,000
    ONLY for the first 10 to Register
What they say...

Alaina Schwartz 
High Performance Coach 

Belinda Campbell
Intuitive Life Coach

If you really want to learn success principles that will fast track your escape from the Rat Race so you can leave the stress of corporate life behind and grow and scale your Million Dollar Idea,  this free Masterclass is exactly what you want! 

With “ Your Million Dollar Idea” I can now live on a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef and love what I do everyday, where work feels like fun and I get to inspire people to live their best life!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a freedom seeker who really wants to start their life purpose business to create meaningful millions, but can't find the tools you need to get started, here's the solution you've been looking for...

Sophie Jones
Intuitive Life Coach

million dollar idea method
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This Masterclass is broken up into three workshop style sessions, designed to work through real life situations so you can take action and find immediate results
  •  1 Virtual ticket to the Bold Prospecting Masterclass ($500)
  •  3 content filled sessions to grow your pipeline ($500)
  •  3 Downloadable Session Workbooks ($500)
  • Template Library w/access to successful productivity checklists ($500)
  • Live examples and demos each session ($500)
  • Small group coaching sessions within workshops ($500)
  • ​Discount code to access a discounted ticket for future Masterclass Series ($500)

Caroline is a Dedicated, Skilled, Caring Trainer & Coach who grabs your attention and makes you sit up and take note. Caroline helps clear your head and puts the steps in place for success. I would highly recommend Caroline as a Business Coach and Staff Trainer.

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